·         Nutrition

Vegetarian supplements give the body with all the nutrients it requirements and cannot get through diet. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet you are paying attention in knowing them for your health care. And  avoid nutritional deficits It is necessary for a healthy body, with the aim of not having functional problems and enjoying a better superiority of life.

·         These are the 6 best food supplements for vegetarians

o    1. Vitamin B12

o    2. Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids

o    3. Iron and Vitamin C

o    4. Vitamin D

o    5. Zinc

o    6. Calcium supplements for vegetarians

These are the 6 best food supplements for vegetarians

1. Vitamin B12

at present the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists regarding the vegan and vegetarian diet is the require for a nutritional supplementation of vitamin B12 .

This vitamin is found mostly in products of animal origin. And in practice it is impossible by following a vegetarian diet to meet the body’s requirements for this vitamin. In fact, not many people who follow a conservative omnivorous diet are able to meet these requirements. For this reason, food supplements for vegetarians with vitamin B12 or that include this, are compulsory for those who follow a diet of this type.

2. Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids

The key sources of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and Omega-6 they are blue fish. Although they are also present in a few nuts, they do so in a lesser quantity. Therefore, these types of necessary fatty acids are among the recommended food supplements for vegetarians. particularly in the stages of life when the require for these amino acids by the body it is older, as occur in pregnancy or during the development stage of children.

3. Iron and Vitamin C

Although there are vegetables such as legumes wealthy in iron, this is hard for the body to assimilate. Is about a type of iron called non-heme , and that it is very difficult for the human body to absorb. To facilitate its absorption, an key Vitamin C contribution . Therefore, among the mainly recommended food supplements for vegetarians are those multivitamin complexes or food supplements that merge vitamin with iron. This is even more important in young women since menstruation favours  the loss of iron, and not only in this case but in those people who already suffer from iron lack anemia.

However, a healthy person without anemia problems who follows a vegetarian diet with a important intake of non-heme iron may have sufficient with a supplementation of vitamin C to take in it.

4. Vitamin D

Another of the mainly recommended supplements for vegans is vitamin D. Actually 90% of the vitamin D the body receives comes from the sun . But in the months of bad weather, such as winter in which the hours of daylight reduce, as is currently the case due to the plague that we suffer in which we have to stay at home, it is complicated to take benefit of the hours of sunshine. Other people, who because of their way of life cannot sunbathe, food supplements can be of huge help.

Foods rich in vitamin D are not suitable for a vegan diet . Thus, food supplements for vegetarians with vitamin D are the best choice to provide the body with the amount it wants for its proper performance.

5. Zinc

Zinc is a trace element essential for proper growth or development of the immune system. Although present in plant foods, we find the handicap that these foods also contain phytate . Phytate has the aptitude to slow down the absorption of zinc, so it does not allow the body to receive and incorporate that contribution. For this reason, food supplements with zinc come to improve the deficit of this trace ingredient in vegetarians.

6. Calcium supplements for vegetarians

Another of the most essential supplements for vegetarians are calcium. And it is that this is found in plant foods in a very small amount for what the body requirements. Calcium is essential for some strong bones and teeth . For this motive, calcium needs are great throughout life, from the infant and youth stage of growth to old age. Even more in the woman so that she has a good Bone density from youth, what will assist you avoid problems of osteoporosis after menopause,.




A nutritious diet should provide you with all the minerals and vitamins required by your body. However, most of us cannot get the recommended amount of nutrition from food. We may have a poor appetite or may not absorb nutrients from our diet. Modern farming techniques have depleted the soil of essential nutrients. Exercise increases the need for nutrients.
